I have never been involved in, or very informed about, matters of a "political" nature within our Southern Baptist Convention as a whole. But in recent months I have been a little more aware of issues within the SBC because a man I greatly admire became President last year, and then re-elected this year. This same man (Dr Frank Page) has also been my pastor for the past 5 years prior to my coming to WBC. He has greatly influenced my life in many ways.
In recent weeks the disagreements between some in our convention have become rather heated and, to be honest, down right un-Christlike. I don't have the time to go into all the issues. But I wanted all of you to read this article where Dr Page "lowered the boom" on these folks. I think this is a great admonition to all believers about being careful and more aware how we are portrayed to people when they see fighting or dissent among us; whether it be in the local church or in the convention at large. People are watching...and we all must be very careful to relate to each other in Christlike ways, or we could find ourselves at odds with the very Christ who died for us. I love the title of Dr Pages article. It is definitely an attention getter. Check it out, here.