

As most of you are aware, I am working on my Doctorate in Preaching at SEBTS here in Wake Forest. One of the reasons I am so excited about being a pastor is the fact that I get to preach every week. Though this is something I am passionate about, I am aware that a pastor has to do more than simply preach well in order to be effective. He must be a good leader, he must be a good shepherd, and he must be a person of integrity, etc, etc. However, preaching is important to church growth and church health. Some think that it is the most important factor in whether a church will grow. I dont know if I agree with that or not...but I do believe that preaching is important.

So, I am constantly looking for ways to improve. In an effort to do this I must understand what the members of my congregation consider "good preaching". My goal is to be the type of preacher people like to listen to while at the same time being faithful to the text. In other words, I want to be faithful to preach the Bible and, at the same time, hold the interest and attention of my listeners.

With that being said I wanted to ask all of you a question? WHAT TYPE OF PREACHING DO YOU ENJOY? Give me as much detail as possible. I am not asking what aspect of MY preaching you enjoy. I am asking about preaching in general...what type of sermons do you like...what type of speakers appeal to you...anything you can tell me about what you enjoy most.

I know most of you read my blog and dont normally comment...but this time I would like to hear your thoughts.

Commenting is easy...at the bottom of this post there is the word "COMMENTS". Click it and another page will come up. Type your response in the box under LEAVE YOUR COMMENTS...type in the WORD VERIFICATION...then click ANONYMOUS. Then submit comment.

Have a great week everyone.