I have just finished reading through 1 and 2 Kings in my daily Bible reading and have now begun reading The Gospel of Luke during my personal quiet times each morning. I must confess...I am a Matthew/John fan. I normally do not read very much in Mark and in Luke. But, I must say, I am greatly enjoying the Gospel of Luke.
The compassion Jesus had for people is amazing to me. He LOVED people with such an obvious compassion and caring. He loved sinners like crazy! It almost seems as if he enjoyed being around common people with common problems who were caught up in common sins. And, you know what...I am glad...because that is me! When I see the blind men on the side of the road, or Zaccheaus in a tree, or a demon possessed man in a tomb, or a woman caught in adultery, or a widow throwing a penny into the temple treasury...I see myself. He loves and cares for me just as he did them.
I find it interesting that it was not sinful people who had a problem with Jesus...it was uppity religious men who opposed Jesus. They called him a "friend of tax collectors and sinners." I am sure Jesus took that as a compliment and so did the sinners he associated with.