
God's Will

Yesterday was a very brief overview of what is involved in understanding God's will. I am sure that many of you still have questions about how to discern God's will. I think we will all struggle with that as long as we are believers. One of the things I said briefly in my sermon that I wanted to reiterate was the fact that there is no "formula" for understanding God's will. The reason for this is because a formula would rip us from a relationship with God if a formula existed.

Sometimes I wonder if it is my responsibility to always be begging God for his will. I wonder if it is simply my responsibility to live my life in submission to Him and he will tell me His will in His time. I am glad that God is a patient God. Otherwise, he would probably get irritated with us always begging him to make decisions that make sense to us and benefit us, but really have no bearing upon God's purpose in the world.

But I am glad that God is concerned about me. And that he will communicate what is in his mind in his timing. Submission is so much better than trying to control the will of God and bend it to our purposes.

Have you ever met anyone that was always fully convinced of God's will all the time about most everything. You can recognize these people very easily because they are always saying "God told me..." I get real nervous when I hear someone say that too much.

As humans, we just do the best we can to love and be faithful to God. If we get off track, he will prompt us with his Holy Spirit. If we make a bad choice, he will convict us. If he wants us to spring into action, he will give us a nudge. My advice to everyone is not to become paralyzed by seeking God's will. Live your life to the fullest, listen to God when he speaks, and obey his voice...but live your life to the fullest degree.