
Approved for Candidacy

This past week I have been out of the blogging world (and out of the reality of the world in general) due to the fact that I have been completing my last Doctor of Ministry seminar intensive this week. What a week it has been. I wanted to quit about mid week but Kelly would not let me! (she is such an encourager). But after working through all the issues and consulting with all my professors and finishing all the necessary work I am now officially approved to be a candidate for the Doctor of Ministry Degree at SEBTS. Whew! "What does that mean?" you may ask. Simply this...I have to work like crazy for the next 6-12 months before I can graduate. And all that work must be completed in my spare time since I have a full time job at the church.

The most nerve racking part of it all was yesterday at about 4:30pm when two of my professors sat down together to discuss my Proposal (the topic I will research and write about in order to graduate). They were talking back and forth to each other (with me sitting right there) about whether or not this Proposal would "work" or not. My sanity was hanging in the balance as suddenly they slid the proposal to me across the table, told me to correct some typos, and that I was approved for candidacy. YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!

Then I went to Kanki with my family to celebrate.