
Deacons at the House

Kelly and I had the privilege of hosting all of our deacons and their spouses in our home last night. We were overwhelmed with the number of people who attended. We initially thought that there would be a limited number of people who would be able to attend due to the busyness of the Christmas season. However, all of our deacons and their wives were able to attend except for two. We felt so honored to have everyone. I was a little worried that we would not be able to fit everyone in our house. But it turned out fine.

The main event of the night was when we were playing some crazy Christmas games. During one of the games everyone at the party was provided with a sheet of green construction paper. The goal of the game was to hold the paper behind your back and make a Christmas tree as fast as you could. I was very impressed by some of the trees people made in less than 60 seconds. But Bryan Blalock is my new hero! He is a freak of nature! He produces this perfect looking tree with a star on top!

Pics of the party are forth coming. I am sure Kelly will put them on her blog. www.parkisonfamily.com