For those of you who were traveling for the holidays and were not able to be with us today we missed you.
There are still a few minor issues which need to be fixed. I appreciate all of you being patient with us as we get everything in order. Most of you probably noticed the issues with the sound in the sanctuary. It is not uncommon for a new sanctuary to have an "echo", like in a gym. We have plans to install sound panels which will suppress the echos and make things much better.
The fire alarm going off while I was preaching was interesting. I must say, I have never had anything like that happen before. I will listen to Kelly from now on when she tells me I am hot. Ha Ha :)
Next week, we will resume our regular schedule of two services at 8:30 and 11am and will also resume Bible Studies for all ages at 9:45. But there will be no evening activities.
I hope to see all of you tomorrow night for our Christmas Eve Candlelight Service.
Have a very merry Christmas.