
Baptism this Sunday

To say that I am excited about Sunday would be a massive understatement. This Sunday is our official "launch" or "grand opening" or whatever you want to call it...it is the Sunday we have advertised to the community that we will be open for services. Not only am I excited at the potential of having a full house. I am also excited about how we will begin our services.

I know that lots of churches do baptism different ways...but I believe that Baptism should be as public as possible so I do them on Sunday mornings as the very first item in the order of worship. I learned this from my mentor Frank Page.

I always tell the people I baptise to be sure and invite as many people as possible, especially people they know that are un-churched or are not Christ-followers. I tell people being baptised to tell their friends that "this is a very important occasion in my life, even more important than a graduation or a wedding or any other special occasion; and because you are important to me I would love for you to be there."

We fulfill the Scriptures by doing this. Baptism is meant to be an instrument of public profession. What better way to get one of your unsaved friends under Gospel preaching than to have them attend a baptismal service?