But, one of the things I have noticed about Seth is that he does not know fear. If I do something cute, he smiles. If I make a scary face, he smiles. If I scream in pain, he smiles. If he is about to do a duck dive down the staircase he is oblivious to the danger. It amazes me to see a human being who has no fear. I am not sure if all children are this way or not. But Seth knew nothing about fear...until yesterday.
All of a sudden, I turned on one of his toys and he started screaming and crawling all over me to get away from it. It is a 2 foot worm looking thing that makes noise and crawls by itself. So, I asked myself...where did he learn that?
The Bible says that "God has not given us a spirit of fear but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind." So, I know this emotion did not come from God. When is the first time we see the emotion of fear in the Bible? Remember Adam and Eve after they ate of the forbidden fruit in Genesis 3? When God came looking for them they hid. Maybe it was shame, maybe it was fear. But it did not come from God.
Where did you learn your fear. Who taught you to be afraid? Not God. As humans we sometimes seem to be ruled by fear...the fear of the "what if". But God has not called us to live this way.
Next time you feel fear remember that passage in 2 Tim 1 "God has not given us a spirit of fear...".