

It is amazing how God opens up doors of opportunities to share the Gospel when we are open to the prompting of the Holy Spirit. I was getting my haircut today and had an opportunity to witness to the lady who was cutting my hair. I shocked her when I told her that I have had an opportunity to be involved in turning a lot of Catholics into Baptists. She asked me "how did you know I was Catholic"? Truth is, there are so many Catholics in this area you have a 50/50 chance of getting it right if you guess at it. :) She had grown up Catholic, with a mother who was Mormon, and a Grandmother who was Baptist. I was cracking up! I said "who needs to watch cage fighting on TV when you live in a house like that!" We had a great conversation about the uselessness of man-made religion and about how the most important thing is receiving Jesus as Lord.

Be sure to take advantage of the opportunities that come your way. God can use you if you will allow him.