Today, I spent much time in the mind of a three year old. Their world is so BIG! Really! Hauling dirt and rocks in his F150 (a miniature of his Daddy's), watching for monsters outside the window, organizing his cars in his over sized garage (behind the sofa) is full of adventure and learning. We laid in the hammock for over an hour together. I explained to him the difference between a pine tree and an oak tree as he listened intently. He will need to know this when he becomes a deer hunter. I also explained to him how the gray cloud in the sky that was approaching us held water in it, and that the water was about to fall on us...and it did! He was so excited. Then I told him the story...the story of how all creation declares the glory of God.
Then we had dinner and a bath. After that, all his stuffed animals came to life and spoke to Seth and asked him an abundance of questions about his day (his Daddy's voice of course). I am a bit hoarse because he would not talk to me unless I held an animal in from of my face and spoke like a monkey with a British accent. He gave the monkey more eye contact and attention than he has to me all day! :) :)
I am having such a wonderful time learning how to be a dad.
I am in such a wonderful place right now. I have an opportunity to spend an abundance of quality time with my two boys like I never have before, and probably never will again. Thank you Lord Jesus for my sons. They are truly a heritage from the Lord.